Pluvento airshower with large shower head

55,00 incl. VAT

The new shower experience with up to 50% less water and energy. The Pluvento™ mixes air and with water and thereby not only improves your shower experience, you also consume up to 50% less water and energy. Did you know that the warm water consumption of a shower for a family of 4 can cost up to 700 euros per year and that almost 25% of all the heat used in a house is consumed by the shower?


Key Benefits


# 1 Reduce water consumption, protect the environment and save money

The Pluventoâ„¢ airshower mixes air and with water, which not only improves your shower experience but also allows you to consume up to 50% less water and energy. The technology behind the Pluvento airshower is based on aeration. Air is added to the water stream, which volumizes the water creating a feeling of pressure. This creates a luxurious water efficient shower experience. The savings you can achieve depend on your water pressure and existing shower installation.

Did you know that the warm water consumption of a shower for a family of 4 can cost up to 700 euros per year, and that almost 25% of all the heat used in a house is consumed by the shower? The Pluvento™ airshower helps you reduce your bills and your environmental footprint.

# 2 Great reviews

Since Sparcio launched the Pluvento™ airshower, we received great reviews from our customers. Not only were users enthusiastic about the general shower experience. In particular, we got feedback that is was easier to wash and color the hair.

# 3 Easy to install without replacing the existing tap

The Pluventoâ„¢ airshower can be installed very easily. All showerhead connections in the world are the same 1/2″. So just screw off the existing shower head and screw the Pluventoâ„¢ airshower with large shower head onto the shower arm. Installation can be done by anyone in just one minute. The Pluventoâ„¢ airshower works with almost any water pressure, making it very versatile.

# 4 Communicate your sustainability

Most people use the shower on a daily basis. The Pluventoâ„¢ airshower is a clear demonstration of your sustainability activity. On request, Sparcio also ensures that your contribution to environmental protection is clearly communicated, for instance with a sticker on the mirror or a water-saving counter on your website.

– Up to 50% water and energy savings
– 1/2″ size fits all shower arms
– Shower head is 20cm or 8″ inches in diameter. We also offer a small shower head
– Filter is included
– 10 Year Warranty on the Pluventoâ„¢ add-on
– 100% High-Quality Metal and ABS plastic
– In line with German, French, UK, and Californian regulations